We're also interested in seeing pictures of items created using the tutorials on this website. Medieval inspirations are a slam dunk option for a cool horse and rider costume. Cut generous ear holes for your horse, and affix the hat with alligator clips to the halter or bridle. If you have any knowledge of making any type of costume, armor, or accessory please share it, you will get a link back to your business or website if you want it. For a DIY horse costume similar to this duo I found, you’ll need: Two straw hats, one being the biggest you can find. Ensure these rectangles are long enough to wrap your calf, covering the leg between ankle and knee. From the rest of the fabric, cut two rectangles.

Cut two strips on the long axis, approximately 3 inches wide.
This is a free repository so you will not be paid, however you can have a signature including a link back to your site or business on every tutorial that you submit. Buy a solid-color flannel or cotton bedsheet. Please do, they'll be greatly appreciated. If you would like to contribute tutorials to this site on your specialty, be it forging, sewing, or anything else. Right now, due to my own expertise, it focuses primarily on leather armor. This website has been created to act as a repository for tutorials on making your own period clothing for Faires, Festivals, SCA, LARP, Nero, Stage Productions, or just for the hell of it. This website shall remain a free resource. Website Goal: To freely provide information and tutorials on making Medieval and Renaissance clothing, armor, and accessories. These are part of our wide range of Halloween. Lord of the Rings Swords, Chain mail, and more. Our medieval outfits perfectly capture this exciting historical era and will make you feel totally powerful. On the feet go for sandals or flip-flops. Use a rope or plait together some shiny wool to make a belt for the dress. If possible cut the neckline into a square shape.

For the best look, go for something light colored, preferably white or off-white. For the blouse, you want to look for something long sleeved and plain.